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In an effort to internationalise the game, a group of nutcases periodically revise the allowed vocabulary. Scrabble vocabulary developed into a bizarre jargon claimed to cover words from other languages. If you only play with friends, use any dictionary without the word "Scrabble" on its cover. This blog is primarily concerned with competitive Scrabble and the incompetence of some of its custodians..

Saturday, September 3, 2016


I have approached a dozen of ASPA(Vic) members, whom I assumed were wise enough to contemplate attempting reform of the committee, by ending the perpetual unchallenged engagement of certain offices.

The poor response I received tells me that people might have thought that I am continuing with a personal vendetta against a few incompetent permanent members, rather than seeking reform for the sake of a better future for the Association.

So, instead of me trying to effect a good change, single handed in a hostile environment, I would rather leave the matter to the “powers behind the scene”. I assume they might see the merits of my suggestion.

Whatever the case may be, interested parties might find this email dialogue amusing. Jimmy Scarff is the number 9 player on the current rating ladder of 152 ASPA(Vic) players. He is one of the young escapees of the perpetual committee.


On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 4:31 PM, Mohammed A. Hegazi wrote:

Dear Jimmy,

Being a member of ASPA(Vic), you might have noticed the dwindling numbers of participants in scrabble tournaments. For example, the Victorian component of participants in the Vic Champs tournament was down from 83 in the year 2000 and 82 in 2005 to 28 in 2010 and 22 in 2016. How do you feel about moving or seconding something similar to the proposed motion below? For obvious reasons, I should not be involved as mover or seconder. Most members are usually quick to dismiss a valuable message because they hate the messenger.

If the motion is passed, people who are running tournaments would continue to do so unless a new reformed committee would decide to make radical changes.

You are requested to give me your valuable feed back, even if it were to be a short outright rejection of the idea. As such, your feed back will help me make an important decision as to whether I should continue to be a member of ASPA(Vic) in 2017.

The proposed motion:

As from the AGM of 20 November 2016, ASPA(Vic) will apply the following special resolution:

(1)  Any ASPA(Vic) member who engaged the position of President or Vice President for two successive years will not be eligible to nominate for the position of President or Vice President for the following year.
(2)  The Secretary of ASPA(Vic) will inform the Registrar of Consumer Affairs Victoria in order to immediately enforce this required change of the rules without impediment or delay. Should a change from “Model Rules” to “Own Rules” be involved, so be it without further ado.


On 30 August 2016 at 00:17, Jimmy Scarff wrote:

Hey Mohammed!

Great to hear from you.

Much of my scrabbling occurs online now. I currently have no intention of returning to tournaments, as I have been treated with discrimination and vilification.

My opinion wouldn't carry any weight for your proposals either, as I am one of those people that they don't want at tournaments. As you said to me once, they wanted to kick me out.

In essence, my involvement in such proceedings is invalid, and I am indisposed to making any progression with the aforementioned reforms.

Thanks for thinking of me.



On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 12:55 AM, Mohammed A. Hegazi wrote:

Thank you Jimmy. Your response is valued by me. Your stand is quite logical and understandable. However, you might have second thoughts later on, if reform is achieved.

After making a thorough reading of the "Model Rules", it transpired that the procedure for achieving such change is by convening a special general meeting by at least 10% of financial members, which would be about a dozen members. So, I might still continue to flog the proverbial dead horse.


On 30 August 2016 at 01:01, Jimmy Scarff wrote:

I think you'll find that I am not welcome at tourneys.

Much like you were made to feel unwelcome just before you took civil action.

Scrabble is a fantastic game and I love it dearly. Unfortunately it’s the idiots in charge who keep ruining it. They will learn when they don't have a community to abuse their power over.

I think Words With Friends is the new thing. People can't stand the stupid words.



On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 10:56 PM, Mohammed A. Hegazi wrote:

I am still unwelcome by the majority of tournament players. They never understood why I took legal action.

I made approaches to a few people today at the Greensborough Club, where I played every week for many years. None of them wanted to be party to any change attempts. So, I think I should not persevere. 


On 31 August 2016 at 05:28, Jimmy Scarff wrote:

Why go?


This is an excellent question Jimmy, which I have been repeatedly asking myself. I have also been getting conflicting answers!

At this stage, and I could very well be wrong, my thinking is that reforming the committee could result in creating a better environment. I believe, rightly or wrongly, that if at the very least two broomstick commuters were to be replaced by two young players, the balance within the committee would tip towards sanity.

When the perpetual committee was humiliated with a court order in 2015, several heavy weight escapees turned up to the following tournament. Some were of the nicest people you could come across, people like Alistair and Julian. I was amazed that many unabashedly congratulated me. I believe, again rightly or wrongly, that those people may come back if a reformed committee is put in place. The landscape would then be quite inviting.

If reform attempts are frustrated, which is more likely to happen, I might give the game away and go back to looking after the many things I have neglected because of my dogged pursuit of scrabble.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


The following exchanged emails might be of interest to the very few intellectuals among Scrabble players, who might like to have a go at figuring the identity of the anonymous "Interested Person":


Re: Hegazi v ASPA (Vic)
From: Interested Person;          30 May 2016
To: Mohammed A. Hegazi;

I have stumbled upon your website, and finding out about the inner
workings of ASPA (Vic) and its committee has fascinated me. I was
wondering if the court ever gave you a written judgment, and if so,
whether or not you would be willing to send me a copy of it (as a
non-party, the court would charge me ~$20 if I were to ask them
Yours thankfully,
Interested Person
Re: Hegazi v ASPA (Vic)
From: Mohammed A. Hegazi;   30 May 2016
To: Interested Person;

The court sold me a hearing recording for $50 on CD, of which I can make you a copy. The point is: Why should you be interested to such an extent? I gather that you are either a scrabble player, a journalist or "non of the above".
Re: Hegazi v ASPA (Vic)
From: Interested Person;          30 May 2016
To: Mohammed A. Hegazi;

To be honest, I'm just a person who enjoys reading about law and
politics. I often play Scrabble with my grandmother, and when I saw two
of my interests combine, I was interested in finding out more.
I would have been interested in reading the judgment, but if there's
only a CD, then I can see that it would take considerable effort to
send, so please don't worry about it.
I understand that since I haven't given you my name, this looks
suspicious - you have no reason to trust me. There are good reasons for
this, but since I can't explain them to you, I realise that this is
Thanks for your time. :)
Re: Hegazi v ASPA (Vic)
From: Mohammed A. Hegazi;    31 May 2016
To: Interested Person;

There is no suspicion on my part. It's only curiosity. Two regular writers of the Age newspaper were chasing me for an interview. I did not want to be involved in a twisted version of what happened.
To satisfy your legal angle, we had two pre-hearings. We agreed in principle but never finalised the details and had to go to a hearing. I wanted to have inserted in the final agreement a specific clause to the effect that I never cheated, which was rejected by my unprincipled adversaries.
The view of the lax magistrate was that I caused the case to proceed to a hearing. Therefore, I had to pay the fees of my adversary's barrister. I don't think he paid much attention to the pre-hearing records.
I did not want to appeal for two reasons:
(1) By then, I had lost faith in the legal system and did not want my financial loss to get much deeper into the double-digit thousands.
(2) I was personally satisfied that I achieved my moral objective. My adversaries, who lacked integrity, admitted their guilt.
(3) A court order was issued. It was posted on Youtube* via a snip from Channel 9's sensationalised coverage.
Thank you for your interest. I think we met before (Jim?).

Re: Hegazi v ASPA (Vic)
From: Interested Person;              1 Jun 2016
To: Mohammed A. Hegazi;

Thank you so much! That has indeed satisfied my curiosity. :)
I'm not Jim; I don't think we've met before. My first name is Riley.
Re: Hegazi v ASPA (Vic)
From: Mohammed A. Hegazi;       1 Jun 2016
To: Interested Person;

Thank you Riley. If you wondered why these legal intricacies took place, I will elaborate:
The Jewish component of Australia's population is 0.5% or less. The Jewish component of Australian scrabble players is about 80%.
I come from Egypt, with very strong feelings against "Zionist Jews". That doesn't include secular or non-Zionist Jews. Such delineation is often blurred in the eyes of most Jews, who would be quick to use the hackneyed adjective "anti-Semite", even though I would be classified as Semite myself!
Re: Hegazi v ASPA (Vic)
From: Interested Person;             2 Jun 2016
To: Mohammed A. Hegazi;

Ah, I see. It's true that some Jews attempt to blur the line between
Zionism and anti-Semitism, and I'm sure that this happens in the
Australian Scrabble community.
But equally, there are some people who use Zionist as a code word for
Jew. It is an attempt to make anti-Semitism socially acceptable, kind
of like how people say, "I don't hate Muslims, I just hate Islamists,"
when it's obvious that they don't really mean it.
Of course, that doesn't mean that one shouldn't talk about these things
- we need to have a two-state solution, and we need to stop ISIS - it's
just an explanation of why some people conflate two different terms.
Still, I do find it amazing that most of the Australian Scrabble
community is Jewish.
Re: Hegazi v ASPA (Vic)
From: Mohammed A. Hegazi;    2 Jun 2016
To: Interested Person;

It is also true that most Jews are sympathetic towards Zionists, or at least they turn the blind eye to Zionist (Israeli) atrocities, like carpet bombing chunks of Gaza.
The two-state solution is utter nonsense. There is very little left for the Palestinians. The views of Miko Peled make much more sense.

Re: Hegazi v ASPA (Vic)
From: Interested Person;           2 Jun 2016
To: Mohammed A. Hegazi;

The number of Zionists is probably less than you think - almost all of
the Haredim (Ultra-Orthodox Jews) are vehemently opposed to Zionism.
They refuse to join the IDF despite conscription.
However, it is true that a significant percentage of Jews identify as
Zionists. Just as most Muslims support Palestine. If you asked these
same Muslims whether they supported Palestinian terrorism, most
wouldn't, but some would. The same with Jews.
I used to like the idea of a one-state solution, but after having
several discussions, I have changed my mind. It is no secret that there
is much hatred between Muslims and Jews in the region. There are more
Muslims in the region than Jews. I shudder to think what the
Muslim-controlled democracy (if it remains one) would do to the Jews in
this case.
Re: Hegazi v ASPA (Vic)
From: Mohammed A. Hegazi;    3 Jun 2016
To: Interested Person;

With the exception of Israel, the region is going back to the dark ages. Thanks to the Zionists of the US government and influential institutions, who are behind growing American terrorism.
Change would come via a change in US attitude. This can only happen after the next American civil war between the people of the US and whoever is controlling them. It might sound far fetched, but it is inevitable. It's only a question of time.
Re: Hegazi v ASPA (Vic)
From: Interested Person;          3 Jun 2016
To: Mohammed A. Hegazi;

Don't you think a better reason for the regression of the region would
be the Islamist dictatorships?
Do you want a civil war to happen?
Re: Hegazi v ASPA (Vic)
From: Mohammed A. Hegazi;    3 Jun 2016To: Interested Person;

"Islamist dictatorships" such as Saudi Arabia were relics of the past. They would have developed into better systems if they were left alone. Now they are financing US terrorism in the region.

I don't want any wars, but the US is heading for one. US citizens would at some stage rebel against their oppressors.
Re: Hegazi v ASPA (Vic)
From: Interested Person;          5 Jun 2016
To: Mohammed A. Hegazi;

Saudi Arabia is still a dictatorship. As are UAE, ISIS, etc. How is
Saudi Arabia funding US terrorism?
I don't think that people in the US are that upset that they would have
an insurrection. They would much rather do it at the ballot box.
Re: Hegazi v ASPA (Vic)
From: Mohammed A. Hegazi;    6 Jun 2016
To: Interested Person;

ISIS is not a state. ISIS, ISIL Al Qaeda, Boko Haram …etc are all terrorist organisations created by the CIA and financed in the most part by petrodollars of Gulf dictatorships. These organisations are ragtag armies made up of two major components:
(a)   A small number of youth brainwashed by ignorant fanatic Muslim clergy, with no proper religious education. Some of those unfortunate kids are born and grown in Western countries.
(b)  A majority of CIA recruited individuals. It is not hard to find them in poor countries with no social security structures.
How did I come to these conclusions? Syria opened my eyes. How could a group of militant anti-government individuals become so strong that they could obtain heavy armament and maintain a steady flow of terrorists pouring through the borders with Turkey?
Russia had to step in, in order to curb American terrorism in the region. I laugh when I watch on the propaganda mainstream media how the Russians and the Americans are cooperating in Syria.
Now forget about all this, we will never agree on it, but tell me:
(1) Who sunk the Egyptian plane over the mediterranean Sea in 2016?
(2) How was New York’s World Trade Centre destroyed in 2001?
Re: Hegazi v ASPA (Vic)
From: Interested Person;          6 Jun 2016
To: Mohammed A. Hegazi;

You're right; we'll never agree about this, but to answer your
(1) I don't know.
(2) By Al-Qaeda members who hijacked a plane. I have previously
considered alternative theories about this in great depth, and I know
all of the arguments, but have come to the conclusion that the commonly
accepted narrative is correct.
(Even if it weren't, and you could convince everyone of this, not much
would happen. There would be trials, there would be outrage, but that's
pretty much it. There would be no revolution, because it was so long
ago that the present government wouldn't be viewed as responsible, so
replacing it would seem futile.)
What seemed futile was to drag this discussion any further. The overall identity of the “interested person” became clear to me. It has been scientifically proven beyond any shred of doubt that the three buildings of the WTC were demolished by controlled demolition. The planes, or maybe huge drones, could not have been the reason behind the total destruction of the solid steel-framed buildings. I spent a huge amount of my time over recent years indirectly studying this, while doing translations into Arabic for a large number of subtitled videos offering scientific explanations of what really happened on 11 September 2001. There is a plethora of video material on Utube* if you are really interested, but you should ideally have a strong background in one of the correlated disciplines of mathematics, physics, chemistry or any branch of engineering, in order to reject the adverse pseudoscience offered by US government agencies. As to the present parasitic and racist Zionist Israel, why should any one shudder at the thought of one state for both Jews and Palestinians? Jews would always dominate in government, like they do anywhere in democracies across the globe. Palestinians, free from systematic persecution, would act like the normal people they used to be. Matter-of-fact, the outcome would be outstanding and much better than that of South Africa. It would take no more than one generation of school children sitting side by side.

* Don't be disheartened by the Arabic titles; the material is all in English. Only the unobtrusive subtitles are in Arabic. Subtitles by selfless translators were produced in about twenty languages.1(If you would like, you may catch a glimpse of yours truly at the time 4:35 on the tape.)

Friday, August 5, 2016


An old photo including current Committee members: Adam Kretschmer, Antonios Syrigos, Francoise Finlayson and Tony Miller

Adam Kretschmer, a pillar of Aussie Scrabble, has posted this piece of info on a different forum. I am reproducing it here for the information of readers of this modest blog.

I have known all members of SA committees over the last six years, since I have played most of my tournaments there (73 tournaments so far). I can vouch for the dedication and selfless commitment of all those members, with no reservation and nil exclusions.

What is the secret of such success story? Would it be because the average age of the current 10 members is about 40 years? It is interesting to note that the youngest among them is the president. It is sad that stagnant deadwood is causing damage elsewhere.

Adam’s Annoncement:

Following the AGM on July 9 and initial committee meeting on July 30, I am very happy to present the Scrabble SA committee and officers for 2016/17:

Adam Kauschke
Adam Kretschmer
Antonios Syrigos
Antony Kimber
Francoise Finlayson
Helen Jones
Larrie Strautmanis
Mel Leckie
Oliver Jenner-O'Shea
Tony Miller

President: Oliver Jenner-O'Shea
Vice-President: Helen Jones
Treasurer & Membership Officer: Tony Miller
Minutes Secretary: Francoise Finlayson
Stationery Officer: Mel Leckie
Purchasing Officer: Antonios Syrigos
Rules Officer: Larrie Strautmanis (TBC)
Ratings Officer: Adam Kauschke

Tournament Subcommittee: Adam Kretschmer, Antony Kimber, Mel Leckie, Tony Miller
Promotions Subcommittee: Adam Kretschmer, Helen Jones, Mel Leckie, Oliver Jenner-O'Shea

I'd like to extend a big thanks to our departing committee members, especially to Jane Taylor for her many years of service as president.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


I have often been told by some Victorian players that cheating never occurred in Victorian tournaments. I have always stuck to my stand that cheating is rife because of the laxity of most tournament directors, who either don’t care or don’t know how to curb it.

There are two simple rules that should be highlighted at the beginning of each and every tournament, especially if novice players are present:

(1) The first rule is to show an empty hand before it enters the bag, and to show an empty hand after a total of 7 tiles sit on the rack. This rule aims at stemming out the evil habit of returning unwanted tiles to the bag, or palming an extra tile in addition to the 7 legitimate tiles. At the beginning of a recent tournament, the tournament director ridiculed the need to show an empty hand after replenishing the rack. This particular TD might realise that if that part of the rules was observed, there would have been no need to report a very recent Victorian cheating incident where a player was found looking at an eighth tile in their hand while considering their next move.

(2) The second rule is about the proper height of the bag before opening it and drawing tiles from it. While not observing this rule is the least effective cheating method, it remains a nuisance that should be eliminated.

Hopefully, this message might get through to some Victorian TD’s, who are regular readers and haters of this blog.

Monday, June 20, 2016


I was sitting alone minding my own business at the end of the tournament. Uppermost on my mind was a silly woman (GC) I played a couple of hours before then. She always stirred up trouble, when facing me in a game. Her ploy is to put the bag on the table when replenishing her rack, with the opening facing her, and wait for my reaction. I would politely ask her to observe the rule of handling the bag; albeit that the rule was phrased by a linguistic retard.  She would then make some stupid utterance and ignore what I said. One of those days, I might refuse to play her and put the TD on the spot; especially that the Vic committee have been forewarned by an email, to which I had no response. I will discuss this in another post.

I usually help with tidying up the hall at the end of any tournament, even when a guest interstate. But on that day, I did not. So, while peacefully sitting alone away from the crowd, another silly woman (CJ) came rushing at me saying, “Thank you for your help”. She then dashed away without waiting for a response, as if to say that she had overwhelmed me by her over-simplistic remark.

In the final analysis, if I decided to continue to play this silly scrabble, I have to swallow similar stupidity and suffer intellectual indigestion. 

Saturday, June 18, 2016


During the relatively small Vic Champs tournament of 2016, a number of players, including a couple of players from NSW, asked me about HM. I was a little bit surprised, since I am not his mother.

So, if you are a friend of Harry, or if you carry the public relations portfolio of a dubious scrabble organisation, Harry is, and will be for about another week, on bed 28, North Ward 2, Maroondah Hospital. If you are keen on paying a visit, make sure he is still there by ringing 1300 342 255. They would tell you, and voluntarily confirm his exact location, without you asking.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Good heavens! You have done so much for that miserable lot on that committee. I thought that your contribution was confined to carting their equipment to tournaments. The sad aspect is that it would never be fully appreciated by most. The reason for it is quite clear to me, which is the same reason behind my troubled faring as a scrabble player. Before I explain, I have to state and acknowledge that neither you nor me are racist or religious fanatics. On the contrary, we are often at the receiving end and have to deal with such ignorant attitudes.

If you examine the surnames on the national list of about 700 scrabble players, you would notice that about 80% are clearly Jewish names. Australia’s population of about 24 million has less that 0.5% Jews. This means that when you are among scrabble players, you are not in Australia; you would be more like a Palestinian in Israel. How many of those 700 players would have the same non-racist non-fanatic attitudes? It only shows when you have secret ballots about impinging issues. And you don’t have the same pattern in all states. The best attitudes are in SA, the worst are in WA.

Oh, the woman in question is P. Apparently she had something to put on display in her younger days. Now, she is oblivious or in denial of the fact that the goods are becoming so wrinkled and sagging to the extent that they should be covered.

Forgive my rambling, I’ve just woke up and should stop and have my late breakfast, before heading off to the Greensborough Club. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Another fellow scrabble player sent me this email:

 I have been contacted by a student doing research on scrabble and was unable to answer all his questions. If you are able to answer any of the questions below please reply to mohammad direct,

1. How have people's interest flourished in playing scrabble across the various countries in last 10 years?

2. What advantages do people gain from playing scrabble?

3. Who was the person invented the scrabble board?

4. How did it develop in other countries?

5. What are the current numbers of scrabble players across the globe?

6. In which countries is the scrabble game more popular to be played by people?

7. Which age groups mainly play scrabble online and offline?

8. Can a professional player make a living from playing Scrabble?

9. What sort of training programs do they undertake to develop their skills?

10. What strategies do professional players use to win matches?

11. Are there coaching clinics available for people to attend to improve their Scrabble playing skills?

Is there any other information you could give to me which will help my research?

Thanks a lot

So, I promptly obliged with the informative reply below:

Dear Mohammad,

I am advised that you are doing some "research" on scrabble. I have been requested to help you answer some questions.

I can only tell you that scrabble is a silly game played by silly people. I believe that you would be a secondary school student in your early years of secondary schooling. Please select, or ask your humanities teacher to select for you, a better research topic, that would be worthy of your time.

Mohammed Hegazi

So, Mohammad replied with:

No worries, thank you.

You might have noticed that Mohammad did not use the old traditional ocker “no worries mate”.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


A fellow scrabble player is known to be terrible with time. He often turns up to tournaments sweating and panting, at the last minute. I doubt if he would ring the tournament director with a heads-up. Anyways, he wanted to see me and gave me a choice between the Greensborough Scrabble Club and another dubious faraway place. So I sent him the reply below. The reason I am posting that reply is because it includes accurate directions of how to get to the Greensborough Scrabble Club, for the benefit of Victorian and interstate scrabble visitors. You are all welcome to pay a visit and enjoy a scrabble day among friends. The club meetings are on Tuesdays from 12:30 pm up to about 4:00 pm or slightly after. Just drop by for a cuppa and up to possibly 5 games:

Dear X,

Ask a silly Q, you get a silly A:

Knowing how accurate you are with your arrival times, I give you a time range of 12:30 - 4:00, rather than a specific time. The address is:

Watsonia Neighbourhood House, Cnr Lambourn Rd and Kenmare St, Watsonia.

Drive through the entrance on Lambourn Rd. Ignore the hall facing the entrance and turn right into the spacious car park. As you get closer to the main building, you would find a nursery type childproof metal gate on your left. Get through that gate and walk straight ahead, then up a flight of wooden steps to a door facing you at the end of the passageway. Open the door without knocking to find about a dozen of mostly familiar faces. 

(Check with Rose at the office if you fail to locate the room).

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


If you are a sane person playing competitive scrabble, you would have realised by now that you managed to survive in a madhouse. If you are an active nut in that house, you would also be parading your stupidity on the so called “social media”. This post is for the benefit of some clowns on “Facebook”.