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In an effort to internationalise the game, a group of nutcases periodically revise the allowed vocabulary. Scrabble vocabulary developed into a bizarre jargon claimed to cover words from other languages. If you only play with friends, use any dictionary without the word "Scrabble" on its cover. This blog is primarily concerned with competitive Scrabble and the incompetence of some of its custodians..

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


It is a well-known fact that not-for-profit associations are riddled with problems of power struggle and frequent aberration from logical solutions to their problems. ASPA(Vic) is a good example of such problems.

The position of secretary is crucial and more influential than that of the president or vice president. The secretary has the custody of all records and is the only liaison officer with the registry of incorporated associations. Having a secretary with a known record of obfuscation and cover-up of legal and financial records is detrimental to the future of any association.

However, the changes to the composition of the present ASPA(Vic) committee are welcome, but only as a half solution.

The new president of ASPA(Vic), Nick Ivanovski, has a hard task ahead of him, which should begin with a good inspection of the association's records in order to ensure their accuracy, especially financial and disciplinary matters.

I wish you good luck, Nick. The terrible gang of four on the committee is now down to only two. Well done!

Saturday, August 3, 2019


Having seen the inappropriate laxity of bag and tile handling by ASPA players, even at my local club in Greensborough, I find it appropriate to bring the following to the attention of readers of this blog:

Players should feel able to remind opponents to observe the tile drawing rules as appropriate.
The relevant WESPA rules are:

3.9.1 Bag Position
When drawing tiles, a player must:
hold the tile bag so that its rim is at or above eye level;
(b) avert his or her eyes from the tile bag; and
(c) keep the tile bag in full view of the opponent.

3.9..2 Drawing Protocols
(a) Players need not draw tiles individually.
Players must not put a hand containing tiles into the tile bag. All drawn tiles must be placed on the rack or the table before further tiles are drawn.
(c) Players must show an empty hand both before and after drawing.
(d) Tiles must be drawn with reasonable speed.

3.9.3 Keeping Tiles Above the Table
Players must keep all tiles above the level of the playing table at all times.


Further Explanation for Dummies:

Keep the bag closed until it reaches the height where the rim is at or above eye level.

Show an empty hand before you stick it into the bag.
Take tiles out of the bag and put all those taken tiles on the table or the rack, there is no need to inspect them in midair. Do not keep tiles in one hand and proceed to take more with the other hand.

If you need more tiles, Show an empty hand and proceed to take those tiles. Show an empty hand after putting the tiles down and place the bag on the table.

Friday, August 2, 2019


A rumour is spreading fast among Victorian scrabblers, that NI is coming forward as a candidate for president of ASPA(Vic). But old chooks, who thrive on rumours and hearsay, are also spreading  another rumour that N, as a child accompanying his mother to tournaments, used to chuck toilet paper rolls into toilets with the intention to block them, which I find hard to believe.

If the plausible rumour, that N is coming forward to salvage that miserable organisation, then I should offer his supporters some advice that would help:

(1) A motion to ban proxy votes must be put to the vote before the forthcoming AGM. Members of an association, who are genuinely worried about its future, should make the effort to attend the AGM. This is not my invention. Many associations add this clause to their constitutions. This might entail a little extra cost to change from "Model Rules" to "own rules". Such a move should be urgent and may require a call for an early special general meeting. Read the relevant section of the model rules.

(2) All positions should be declared vacant. N should have a team ready to come forward and try to fill all vacancies. The majority of the present committee members are either rusty or inactive position fillers.

Well, the cause is worth fighting for and may result in the return of many players. I wish N luck with his overdue endeavour.

The same old tactics:

Squeeze the AGM between games, so that most gullible players would want to finish with the routine fast without adequate discussion, in order to quickly get on with the following game.

Minimal advertising about the AGM. It is impossible to conclude from the Tournament Calendar below that an AGM would be taking place during the tournament. The calendar itself states, "This calendar is usually updated weekly with the information supplied, last updated 4 August 2019"
VicSun Aug 18
Check in closes 9.30am
The Ryman Classic
7 games
Bentleigh Bowling Club
1 Higgins Rd
Carol Johnsen0476 639 195
On the day: 0476 639 195

Expect to be drowned by hecklers if you start a worthwhile discussion.