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In an effort to internationalise the game, a group of nutcases periodically revise the allowed vocabulary. Scrabble vocabulary developed into a bizarre jargon claimed to cover words from other languages. If you only play with friends, use any dictionary without the word "Scrabble" on its cover. This blog is primarily concerned with competitive Scrabble and the incompetence of some of its custodians..

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


The email below was sent to all ASPA(Vic) members in reply to the exchange between Harry Malcolm and Carol Johnsen. I am posting it here for the benefit of others.

Harry is a simple down-to-earth person of superb human qualities. He writes and speaks as he feels. The problem with Harry is that he projects a very different image. You need to know him very closely in order to appreciate his qualities. Without him, I could have been overrun by a coven of broomstick commuters.

From: Mohammed A. Hegazi

To: ASPA (Vic) members                                         

Subject: Right of Reply                                                 24 Oct 2014

Obfuscation and half truths are no substitute for facts. I will try to confine myself to facts related to my court case against ASPA(Vic) Inc.

Fact 1:
In 2008 Marjorie Miller and 3 other members of her committee made allegations against me and issued a decision that I was “guilty of conduct unbecoming a member of the Association and prejudicial to the interests of the Association.” The procedure, by which such action was taken, might sound proper to a simple-minded group of lay people; but under common law, which overrides the Association’s constitution, it would be deemed illegal.

Fact 2:
In August 2011 Tess Robinson, seconded by Geoff Wright, moved a request for an apology to me in relation to an unfounded-dated-hearsay allegation of cheating. A competent committee would not have tabled such unsubstantiated allegation for discussion. ASPA(Vic) members at the time were not aware of all the facts surrounding the vindictive acts of ASPA(Vic) committee between 2008 and 2011. Therefore, they did not support the motion.

Fact 3:
In November 2011 a meeting between 2 committee members and myself, assisted by Harry Malcolm, was suggested. I requested that the committee be represented by uninvolved members. I gave Carol Johnsen the option of selecting representatives from a list of the following uninvolved members:
Jenny Brysha
Dianne Gibson
Cheryle Jerram
Sandra Masel
Ms Johnsen refused, point-blank, claiming that my suggestion was “unagreable”. Mediation failed because she was involved as both adversary and mediator.

Fact 4:
In 2012 Mediation at the Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria was unsuccessful because the committee was represented by members who made allegations against me. Namely, Carol Johnsen, Marjorie Miller and Trevor Halsall.

Fact 5:
Legal action was the only option left for me. Neither the committee nor the membership of ASPA(Vic) can claim that I have not exhausted all possible avenues.

ASPA(Vic) had the chance, in the last pre-hearing, to settle the matter under the following conditions, in totality:

(a) Repealing the flawed decision of 2008.
(b) Admitting that I never cheated.
(c) The agreement to be published in the national December edition of “Across the Board”.

ASPA(Vic), represented by Marjorie Miller and Carol Johnsen refused. The case progressed to a hearing on 05/01/2015.

Fact 6:
An agreement between solicitors in the coming few weeks would save the two sides the cost of briefing and hiring barristers for the hearing. This cannot happen under a lame committee of 6 members, which includes 4 adversaries who do not want to be exposed as biased or incompetent.

Fact 7:
I am not contesting any positions on a new committee, at least until my personal dispute with ASPA(Vic) is resolved. I am only interested in playing clean scrabble, where all players abide by ALL rules.

Mohammed Hegazi
Member of ASPA (Vic) Inc.

P. S.: 
All of the above can be substantiated by exchanged emails.

Thursday, October 23, 2014


As a member of ASPA(Vic), I am in receipt of the email below. I usually comment on similar occasions. However, on this one, I would rather leave it to the reader, without any subjective comments from me.

Reference is made to certain occurrences that might be unknown to the reader. If so, please email me confidentially and I would be able to explain.

Mohammed Hegazi

carol johnsen
carol johnsen
22 October 2014 21:46
Email to Carol Johnsen from Harry Malcolm

Dear ASPA (Vic) Members,

I am greatly disturbed by an email I received from Harry Malcolm on October 1 (below) after I had sought for the Moderator of Ozscrabble to ask Harry Malcolm to stop denigrating ASPA (Vic) and committee members on the Ozscrabble site.

I showed this to some members recently and they all asked that I should send it out to our membership as it was certainly not in the interests of the Association.

Carol Johnsen


From:  Harry  Malcolm                                                  Oct 1
to:        Carol Johnsen

Wakey wakey, its over
We have bit our tongues for best part of a decade
while you obfuscated and paid lip service to professional expectations,
unrolled the nightmare to us of realising an incompetent was in power,
and led the raining of abuse on us.
Wagged your misleading tongues in your favour and against us;
even while telling members not to discuss this sordid case..
We have endured, and been proven right all along.

Do us all a favor and step down,
leave quietly.
You and Marj have led Vic scrabble to a train wreck
It's not the fault of online,
or of members passing on..

The longer you maintain the facade over your utter incompetence,
now confirmed to me from unexpected others,
You have nothing left but to try and gag and control to the death,
and continue to besmirch Mo as you desperately do
trying to make the bizarre cheating claims stick,
in fear for your due and pending humiliation
which you can only postpone,
not stop...
trying to make some dirt stick,
hoping to keep some of the fooled membership remnants still sobbing for you,
the more is going to come out about your appalling performance and baseless supreme arrogance.
In time it's what you will be remebered for
despite your claques still half beating heart for you..

i will not stand by and tolerate any of what you did to still stand
unless as a monument to what future Committees will never do,
and memberships will be vigilantly watching out
and auditing contrived cases based on revenge motives
and using manipulation
and hearsay..
fabricating a house of cards..
a beat up
childish making of porky pies...

From the first chance at mature reconciliation of the matter offered by me confidentially
(when from first impressions I briefly trusted you were competent)
to which you responded with the haughty and inappropriate bullying response to me
I realised you were a bod straight from the antibully textbook warnings
and that you lived in blissful ignorance of your own unlawful ways.

Even if you survive November elections.....
or organise spot fillers like Arjun Haria
eventually the membership will put together what you did to Mo
how the race card was used to beat up on a perfect gentleman of integrity and generosity
well known and liked in other states he found decent leadership in
how you, Marj, Norma and Trever had the gall to misrepresent conciliation matters to the rest of committee
and your shocker "no agenda' meeting where mob mentailty was unleashed by you in your incpompetence
how a member hollered in my face
claiming outrage that I'd expressed concern for my kids welfare if this committee ruled scrabble
I'll say it again,
if any of the terrible 4 are out of control in this organisation, my children will not be members
and then altered minutes took 5 weeks to be released losing reliability and gaining more re-lie-ability.
....... a no confidence motion in the following months
in full glare of members reflection on what youse did
will make you do what you ought do yourself,
step down
or get thrown down
Think how you were alerted that Marj initially bullied by dumping on him secretly
when he was the one with integrity, refusing to name people...
she dumped on him to me
and then like you
playing the "poor me" card to set Mo on fire in a public pyre.
and leading so many who did not audit you or her
to mob mentality and severe injury and distress on an innocent person.

And now you have the hide to tell the scrabble world my disclosures are not right
and you want them smothered
(while you exact forced acceptance of cheating claims, which you will get over my dead body)
(and while you fake it long enough to fool the committee huggers that Psychologist tell us will never realise)
(even when you parasite my initiatives which is what your ilk does, being bereft of competent leadership)

Its over Carol, you have had 10 years, scrabble Vic is ruined, it’s just a club now, not an associatuion.
you have been an embarrassment.
Only a new broom can sweep clean
I am that new broom, and you won't find me ever seeking false sympathy
to excuse incompetence and arrogance I have never shown,
and which you will never recognise in yourself.

If you now persist with any of your manipulative, obfuscating and bullying ways
expect a personal legal challenge from me
and the emergence of documents from your decade of hell
for public scrutiny,
if that’s what it takes.

As Benjamin Disraeli quoted re bullying
"where there is smoke there is fire, the smoke is the bullies smoke screen, the fire is endurance until justice by the victim."

No one has made your position untenable except you.
No one has shown bullying conduct but the committee, in particular the lead 4,
the others now waking up to realise slowly the 4 fooled them.
If you mislead the members that I did anything unreasonable, I have all the documents to show how youse did not act reasonably and then conspired to bring disrepute on anyone assisting the fight towrads justice and integrity.

Have I made my opinions clear ?
Others have just left scrabble, citing your coven as 'the bitches'
or that scrabble is plunging towards just being your committee.

Wake up, time’s up.

You, Marj and Norma will remain welcome to run Box Hill events if you wish,
gratitude will be shown...
you can even be on the committee,
and learn what it should have been like all along,
restorative not punitive,
expanding not contracting
You can enjoy pub scrabble again
and not be pulling the plug on everyone's fun..
The Country Champs will boom again
and no unethical entries will sneak in...
I will happily refer you to multiple texts by psychologists of world class pre eminence
that will be used if you are unable to abate the bullying ways..
and to convince you that your behaviour has been of a classic bullying nature.

It”s over, better for all youse step aside and let new keen younger people revive scrabble rather than you being forced to do so, and maybe one day you will apologise to the other committee members for your utter incompetence and self preservation driven actions.
It would be far beyond you to ever apologise to Mo or myself,
despite the flagrant bullying you subjected us to while telling members who could not audit you that you were being so good.

You'll just trot out your accumulated smoke screen excuses and denial of responsibility..
I remind you of some classics..
"we are not legal people (Oh yes you are) , we did our best (for immature officers) , we followed the rules (lie)"

Tell everyone you need a break, blame us and expect consequences..., whatever...
I'm sure you can spin a hard luck story
and get the unknowing to applaud you wildly
while the knowing stay away and feel nauseated
Any way you look at it it's time to let others have a chance to resuscitate our great game.
don't bother putting together a puppet committee,
or a token president
you will only hurt more people when they realise
and it will collapse like the one you have just led to ruin.

I've written to you in confidence before
and you reacted immaturely
and I was proven 100% right.
I'm right again now.
Only a fool repeats mistakes.

The only two things you can do immediately to save any face is
1) retract all the cheating claims in every place where he was besmirched, world internet included.
2) Publish an unconditional letter to WA advising them that their actions against him cannot stand as they are based on Vic ASPA outcomes that are now considered utterly unfair, unreliable, invalid and of no substance.

These two issues will achieve that end, whatever it takes, and you will be known for not having the decency to know when you have been exposed and stop further costs, divisiveness and trauma.
I'm astonished Mo is not seeking his costs from your personal hides, have you no shame for your assault on him ?

Are we going to get an appropriate falling on your sward,
or is there going to be continued horrors until the same conclusion is reached anyhow,
and possibly much more costly for youse.

All that said,
I'm sure you can (all) continue to be nice people
It”s just the behaviour that has to stop
and your hold and abuse of power has to be ended.

It”s hurting too many people.

Sunday, October 19, 2014


Hello G,

It is not a touring circus to come your way. You have to make it to Melbourne. It's worth the trip. After all, those two are the only "Grand Masters" I have ever heard of in the land of Oz.​

​Common folks like you and me, who might require clinical services, may not have another chance to secure a back seat among the audience. Book early​:

Open to all
This Tuesday 7.00pm, 21 October
Grand Masters T and A host a COACHING CLINIC
at the NUNAWADING CLUB, 16 Station Street, Mitcham
Melways 48 J9

Friday, October 3, 2014


On 10 Sept 2014, we had a pre-hearing mark 1. ASPA(Vic) agreed to repeal their 2008 flawed decision if each party would pay their legal cost. I agreed for the sake of ending the saga, and to preserve funds.

On 02 Oct 2014 we had a pre-hearing mark 2, where I wanted to include a clause to the effect that I am not a cheat. ASPA(Vic) delegates disagreed. Thus, the Registrar issued an order that a hearing would be conducted on 5 January 2015. This means that every party would hire a barrister. The losing party would be up for much extra cost.

Well, it turns out that it has become more of a personal vendetta with each party representing themselves. I stand for myself using my own funds for litigation, while Marjorie Miller and Carol Johnsen stand for themselves using ASPA(Vic) funds for litigation. I know that I never cheated. The two ladies would love to continue to tarnish my name by not admitting that I never cheated. They are the least suited to represent ASPA(Vic) in this matter, because they are directly or indirectly involved in making false unsubstantiated cheating allegations against me. But this is a matter for the membership of ASPA(Vic) to decide.

The one question that baffles me is: Does Marjorie Miller, and her few friends, own ASPA(Vic)? If so, why register it as an incorporated association? Why not register it as ASPA of Marjorie Miller and Co Pty Ltd?

Anyway, if the losers do not settle outside court on 05/01/2015, still incurring the extra cost of hiring barristers for the day, I would give you another report after the hearing. I have a fair idea what such report would be like, since I believe that I am standing on very solid legal ground. But let’s wait and see.

Of course there are other possibilities, should a new or a refurbished committee of 10 wise members replace the present 6, mostly incompetent incumbents, next November. But it is up to ASPA(Vic) membership to contemplate the fate of their Association. And in all honesty, it is becoming less and less of much concern to me. If people elect to be blind, they can enjoy the darkness.